Monday 26 November 2012

How Hacking Works

The reality, however, is that hackers are a very diverse bunch, a group simultaneously blamed with causing billions of dollars damages as well as credited with the development of the world wide web and founding of major Tech companies.
Stop it... is the stuff how hacking is done :

1. Cross-Site scripting.

The most common and popular technique of hacking is this cross-site scripting. It is also known as XSS. It is very easy way of hacking therefore it is a big threat to the website security system. There is a security loophole on  a website that is hard to detect and stop, making the website vulnerable to the attacks of malicious hackers. This type of hacking can be carried out in different ways DOM-based, stored or reflected. The hackers infects a legitimate web page with his malicious programs side script.  When a user visits  this web page the script is downloaded to his browser and executed.

2. SQL Injection

This process involves entering SQL code into web forms, eg. login fields or into the browser address field, to access and manipulate the database behind the site, system or application. Whenever you enter any text in the username and password fields, the data you input is typically inserted into an SQL command. This command have now send your password and username to the hacker sitting and waiting for the reply.

3. Theft of FTP passwords

This type of hacking takes advantage of the fact that many of the poorly protected PCs in the world happen to belong to the webmasters whose website login information is stored on their personal computers. The thief search the victim's PC  for FTP login passwords and relay them to a remote computer.

Science Versus Myth

What if earth stopped spinning ?

Let's get our admittedly far-fetched assumptions on the table. First lets assume the Earth stopped spinning gradually, as a sudden declaration would mean disaster. Second, we'll suppose that earth's ecosystem have survived the transition mostly intact. So what does this new world look like ??

The Earth
The Centrifugal force causes the planet to bulge along the equator. No Rotation, no bulge. Without that bulge, all of the extra water held in place along the equator would go rushing back toward the poles. The world's land and oceans after its equatorial bulge subsided and found that would have a band of land -- one giant super continent -- that circles the equator and separates two massive oceans only to north and the south.

How Automotive Industry Works

If you need something nowadays, typically its easy to get. You simply hop in the car, hit up or Wal-Mart, and in a little while you have what you need. You don't really need to think about how it's made -- unless you're a big fan of "How it's made" on this science blog here...

But even if you worked at the factory that produced whatever you bought, chances you  might not have a complete understanding of how the entire product(car) was made. That's because many factories today work using assembly or production lines.

On these lines, workers assemble or produce just one part, day after day even year after year. So, while someone may work for many years at a plant that builds a specific product, they might never have a complete understanding of what it takes to build that product from start to finish.

One of the most interesting and complex that's built in a line system is cars and trucks. Automotive production lines revolutionized the automotive industry, as well as American life. They made building cars more efficient. Because of the increase in the efficiency the cost to produce cars went down and when production cost were lowered, so was the retail price of the cars. This price reduction meant more people could afford to buy a vehicle on their own.

Production Lines. 

Production lines seem like something that sprang up at the turn of the 19th century, but they've actually been around for longer than that. Basically, a production line uses a division of labour. In a division of labour system, instead of one person doing an entire job from start to finish by themselves, everyone takes the small piece of the job, bringing the smaller parts until  the  work is done.
Perfection is an art

But for most of human history, if something has to be built or crafted, one person will make it from start to finish. Skilled craftspeople perfected the art of making one particular product. They'd train others to do the same work, taking the product from start to finish. once the product was complete, the craftsman could then trade the finished product for other goods that he or she needed.

The only problem with this system is that it's very time consuming.

Modern Automotive production lines

What's striking about modern automotive production lines is that they haven't changed all that much from the basic Ford system from long ago. The cars still come to the workers at individual work stations, each worker performs a specific task and when  all the tasks are done, at the end of the line, you'll see brand new ready-to-drive cars rolling off the assembly lines.

Alternate Automotive production lines 

One of the problems that car companies have constantly run up against in automotive production lines is how to keep the workers happy and interested in the products what they build. Alienation is a common problem for production line workers because the task they perform can often be boring or repetitive. Some may also not feel like they have any ownership or stake in the product they're building.

Toyota's method of production and assembly helps address that problem. Toyota factories in Japan are designed to be happy places, where automated delivery cars play cheerful songs as they go by. If a worker spots a problem, he or she is encouraged to stop the production line and fix it -- even though stopping and starting is very expensive.

A toyota Motor Corp.

What is the difference between LCD and LED ?

LED tv

LCD stands for "Liquid crystal display" and technically bot LCD and LED (Light Emitting Diodes) TVs are Liquid crystal displays.

The basic Technology is the same in that both television types have two layers of polarized glass through which the liquid both block and pass Light. So really LED TVs are the subset of LCD TVs.

LED differs from general LCD TVs in that LCDs use fluorescent Lights while LEDs use those Light Emitting Diodes. Also, the placements of the lights on an LED TV can differ. The fluorescent lights in LCD screen are always behind the screen. On an LED TV, the light emitting diodes can be placed either behind or around the edges of the screen.

The difference in and in lighting placement has generally meant that LED TVs can be thinner than LCDs although this is just the starting to change. It has also meant that LED TVs run with greater Energy efficiency and can even provide a clearer, better picture than the general LCD TVs. 

Wednesday 21 November 2012

False 'Facts' that everyone knows

Mt. Everest

Mouna Kea
So.. here we go..

10. Unbelievable Fact 1

Mount Everest is one whopping big mountain, but is it the tallest in the world? In fact it is not. A mountain is highest in regard to how far it soars above sea level. But technically it is tallest from base to summit. And Mauna Kea kills it at being the tallest.

Here's the deets: Above sea level, Mauna Kea (in Hawaii) is only 13,799 feet (4,206 meters). But when you count the crazy enormous portion of it that's underwater, it's 33,465 feet tall (10,200 meters). Everest, that snobby little upstart, is only 29,029 feet (8,848 meters) above sea level, with none of it below sea level.

9. Unbelievable Fact 2

The Great Wall of China gets a double whammy on this myth. You can see other man-made objects from space (especially when the part of the Earth being viewed is awash in the artificially illuminated glow of nighttime). It's also pretty hard to pick out the Great Wall of China from any space-based locale. In low-Earth orbit, it's next to impossible to see it with the naked eye. Even with a fairly hefty camera lens, it's still challenging to tell if you're looking at the Great Wall or not.

Yes, the Great Wall of China is very, very long. It's also built from rocks collected from all over the local landscape – in other words, ones that are usually the same color as the wall itself. So unless China decides to give the wall a makeover and paint it hot pink, it's going to remain fairly hard to spot from space.
Space view of wall of china

8. Unbelievable Fact 3

Glass Is a Slow-moving Liquid......
Liquid windowpanes? No.
Rather than the (magical-sounding) slow drip of centuries, the reason old glass windows aren't perfectly even and clear is because of how they were made. Until the early-mid 1800s, most window glass was made using a process called the crown method. The glass was blown, flattened, heated and spun, yielding a sheet that was relatively cheap to produce. It was also rippled and thicker in some places than in others..

In other words, the windows looked that way when they were installed, and they look that way now. No downhill liquid flow is involved.

7. Unbelievable Fact 4

Deoxygenated blood is Blue....

Everybody has veins snaking up and down their bodies, and those veins are blue. So it stands to reason that whatever magical and mysterious substance courses through those veins (all right, fine, it's just boring, old blood) is, as a matter of course, blue.
But no! Once your blood has stopped by the bank (your lungs) and picked up a withdrawal of cash monies (oxygen) it's flush with greenbacks (bright red blood). Once it's spent a night on the town (circulated through your body), it returns with a massive hangover (the blood has turned dark red) and it goes to curl up on the couch (take another pass through the heart).
Basically, the veins are blue thanks to a trick of the light, not the color of what's inside them.